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3.5″ Inch 2.25x, Glass Lens, Value Metal Handheld Magnifier


MC-3.5 3.5″ inch glass lens 2.25x handheld held value priced inspection magnifier. A classic style magnifying glass style with glass lens, glass lenses are typically considered generally optically inferior to optical grade acrylic but offers a great value, is scratch resistant , and resistant to use around acids. This style magnifying glass is available in 5 different sizes and magnifications.

199 in stock



MC-3.5 3.5″ inch glass lens 2.25x handheld held value priced inspection magnifier. A classic style magnifying glass style with glass lens, glass lenses are typically optically inferior to optical grade acrylic lenses but offers a great value, resistance to acid and scratching. This is a basic low priced magnifier, not recommended for professional use. This style magnifying glass is available in 5 different sizes and magnifications.


  • Lens Power/ Magnification -2.25x
  • Lens Diameter – 3.25 Inch
  • Lens Diopter – 5 Diopter
  • Lens Focal Length  7.5″